Is Webflow Good for Enterprise Companies?
Is Webflow Good for Enterprise Companies?

Is Webflow Good for Enterprise Companies?

Mihajlo Ivanovic
Mihajlo Ivanovic
16 Nov
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Enterprise companies have never relied more on their online presence, so having a poor-performing, outdated, or confusing website could drive them out of the competition.

A successful enterprise site shouldn’t only be visually appealing but also engage and motivate visitors to take action. This often requires using complex features one cannot find in standard website builders. In other words, enterprise businesses usually need customized web design and development to achieve the maximum effect.

What about Webflow? How does the well-known builder weigh up compared to other similar services? Let’s find out.  

Is Webflow Good for Enterprise Companies?

Even though Webflow is marketed as an easy-to-use low-code/no-code platform, that’s not entirely true. It’s designed to offer further customization to anyone experienced enough to do it.

Enterprise companies will likely benefit from the enterprise pricing plan, which comes with a range of customizable features making the website better, faster, and more secure.

It’s no secret that many enterprise companies, such as Dell, Zendesk, Mural, NCR, Rakuten, and Discord, are switching to Webflow because of this. 

So, is Webflow suitable for enterprise businesses? The short answer is: yes, it’s the best possible option for them at the moment, and I’ll explain why in the following sections.

Marketing, Design & Development

Webflow caters to the needs of marketing, design, and development teams. It gives them much better control over the website and its content without making them too interdependent. 

In other words, the marketing team can focus on content, SEO, and overall website growth without nudging designers and developers to make the slightest changes. 

Consequently, the development team will have more time to focus on building the site and other high-priority tasks instead of having to assist everyone else.

Designers, too, can have a field day with Webflow. Apart from giving them creative freedom, Webflow enables them to use a powerful visual development tool and contribute to building a website without having to code.  

Benefits of Webflow Enterprise Plan

Webflow offers tailored solutions for enterprise partners, providing them with a range of scalable options and ensuring the best possible website performance. 

In addition to a spectrum of design and development tools, Webflow also offers a hosting infrastructure consisting of servers located around the globe. That way, maximum uptime and speed for websites is ensured.

The most important feature Webflow offers for enterprise customers is military-grade security. In addition to SOC-2 certification, you can explore an array of other security features to ensure maximum protection of your site, including single sign-on (SSO), custom security headers, custom SSL certificates, and more. Enterprise plans also offer s advanced DDoS protection as an additional security layer. 

Webflow Features in Enterprise Plan

Which enterprise solution is best for your business depends on what you expect from Webflow. Namely, all plans are divided into site and Workspace plans.

Site Enterprise Plan

The site plans are for enterprises that want their website hosted on Webflow’s servers. If you don’t have an in-house design and development team and instead rely on Webflow experts, this is the right plan for you.

All paid plans, including the enterprise site plan, allow you to connect your website to a custom domain and remove all Webflow branding.

The real difference, however, is noticeable when we consider site features.

  • Static pages — All paid plans, including the enterprise plan, allow building up to 100 static pages.
  • Guest editors — The enterprise plan lets you negotiate the number of guest editors, whereas that number is limited for all other plans. For example, the business plan allows up to ten editors, which is non-negotiable.
  • Form submissions — This is negotiable for enterprise hosting users and is limited in all other plans. The business plan allows up to 2,500 monthly submissions, which might not be enough if you’re getting a lot of traffic.
  • Form file uploads — This feature allows you to use the upload button and collect files in forms. It’s only available for business and enterprise users.
  • Site search — This option is only available for CMS, business, and enterprise users. It allows adding a custom search engine to help visitors find specific content on your site.
  • WebP support — This feature allows adding high-quality images to your site with their size compressed to make them easy and fast to load. All plans have this option.
  • Automatic responsive image generation — Different size variations of images are automatically generated and are used for mobile versions of the site. All plans have this option.
  • Asset upload and management panel — Use Webflow Designer to upload and manage your assets efficiently. All plans have this option.
  • Site password protection — All paid plans have this feature.
  • Page password protection — All paid plans have this feature.
  • Backups — Unlimited for all plans.
  • Custom code — All paid plans have this feature.

Site plans enable using the robust content management system that’s part of Webflow’s toolbox. Here are some of the features you’ll get with it.

  • 10,000+ CMS items — The enterprise plan is the only one that allows negotiating the number of CMS items you want to be included. This is often crucial for huge enterprise sites where new content is always added.
  • 40 CMS collections — Only business and enterprise plans allow 40 collections.
  • 60 fields per collection — Only business and enterprise plans allow 60 fields per collection.
  • 10 references per collection — This number is only reserved for business and enterprise plans. The CMS plan allows only half as many.
  • Custom number of API requests per minute — This is limited to 120 RPM for business and CMS plans, but enterprise customers can negotiate the number.

Enterprise customers can also rely on a range of other features that are also available for CMS and business users, including:

  • API Access
  • Per-item publishing and unpublishing
  • Multi-item publishing and unpublishing
  • Scheduled publishing
  • Dynamic embed
  • RSS feed

The real difference between the enterprise plan is visible regarding website traffic options.

  • Monthly visits — Enterprise plan users can negotiate the number of monthly visitors to their website. This is not possible with any other plan. For instance, the maximum limit for business is 300,000. This number is just 1,000 for the free plan.
  • CDN — You can choose whether you want to rely on the regional or global content delivery network and customize it to meet your needs.
  • Bandwidth — The bandwidth included in the business plan is 400 GB, but the enterprise plan lets you negotiate this.
  • Uptime — All other plans except enterprise use the standard agreement for the site’s uptime. Enterprise clients get a service-level agreement, which means they have guaranteed uptime and receive access to a range of audits and certifications. 

SEO-wise, the plan offers all features offered by Webflow, including:

  • 301 redirects
  • Sitemap control
  • Schema markup support
  • Open Graph meta tags
  • Structured search support

This also applies to various interactions-related features, including:

  • Pre-built interactions
  • Trigger-based interactions
  • After Effects Lottie integration

Administration-wise, things are streamlined for enterprise users, as they get to pay by invoice and receive guided onboarding. Most importantly, they get their own customer success manager.

Workspace Enterprise Plan

If you decide to entrust building and maintaining your enterprise website to an in-house team, consider the Workspace enterprise plan. Mind you, Workspace plans are charged per seat.

In terms of collaboration, here’s what you get:

  • Unlimited team size — The number of seats can go above nine, which is the highest number for the Growth plan.
  • Billing permissions — This feature ensures only the admins of your Workspace can edit billing details and subscriptions. Only Growth and Enterprise plans allow this.
  • Publishing permissions — Manage teams and their publishing authorizations on your site. Only Growth and Enterprise plans allow this.
  • Advanced permissions — You can control who can make global changes in design. Exclusive to Enterprise plans.
  • Site activity log — A log of changes in design made to your site. Exclusive to Enterprise plans.

Your design team gets to experience the full power of Webflow if you decide to use the Workspace Enterprise plan. Here’s a short overview:

  • Unlimited unhosted sites — This is only available for Growth and Enterprise plans.
  • Transferring site to other Workspaces — Available for all plans.
  • Custom code — Only available for paid plans.
  • Code export — You can export your HTML and CSS files (without CMS items and pages). Only available for paid plans.
  • Site password protection — Only available for paid plans.
  • No Webflow badges at the bottom right corner — Only for Growth and Enterprise users.

Webflow’s pricing structure is detailed, so please refer to our pricing guide if you want to learn more.

Take Your Online Presence To the Next Level with Webflow Enterprise

Webflow is quickly becoming the preferred website builder for many leading enterprises across industries. 

In addition to visual programming, numerous customization options, and various other marketing, design, and development features, Webflow offers a top-of-the-class hosting solution. Additional capabilities facilitate and empower website creation and maintenance.

Contact the Flow Ninja team to learn how to make the most out of your Webflow enterprise plan.

Mihajlo Ivanovic

Mihajlo Ivanovic

Mihajlo is the one who replaces Lorem Ipsum texts with the actual copy - an SEO and content expert at Flow Ninja. He has 10+ years of experience as a content writer for various industries. He also plays bass occasionally.

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Mihajlo Ivanovic

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