Is Webflow Good for Beginners?
Is Webflow Good for Beginners?

Is Webflow Good for Beginners?

Mihajlo Ivanovic
Mihajlo Ivanovic
12 Dec
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Creating websites (and any kind of web experience, for that matter) has become increasingly easier over the last couple of years. Services such as Webflow made it possible for beginners to develop sites quickly without learning at least three programming languages.

So, is Webflow easy to use? It’s an excellent tool for beginners, giving them much more freedom during the development process compared to competitors such as Wix and Weebly

The level of customization and overall potential to create powerful websites is even higher than in WordPress. At the same time, using Webflow is easier than WordPress, as all common WP plugins are actually standard features in Webflow. Moreover, Webflow has launched a range of in-house applications, which are more intuitive and convenient compared to community-built WP plugins.

Of course, you still need professional design and development experience if you want to use Webflow’s full potential and create enterprise web experiences with unique interactions and an array of innovative features.

In short, beginners can create useful simple websites that look professional and are responsive across an array of devices. The building process is easy, intuitive, and entertaining with Webflow, which features a great learning curve and provides free tutorials for every feature. Flow Ninja also has a YouTube channel with plenty of useful Webflow-related videos, many of which are beginner-friendly.

Still, going one step beyond basic websites and creating complex and engaging sites will require the help of Webflow experts.

If you’re new to the world of Webflow (and web design/development, in general), continue reading our blog to learn more about Wefblow and its features.


Why Use Webflow

Here’s a short overview of why you should use Webflow as a beginner designer or developer.

  • Webflow uses an intuitive interface that lets you deal with code visually, cutting many processes along the way.
  • It lets you build dynamic prototypes instead of static mockups in Photoshop, which is great for exploring animations and interactions on your website.
  • It offers excellent responsive design options that help you adapt your site to various devices.
  • Webflow’s CMS makes it easy to design many pages at once.
  • The design-development gap is bridged with Webflow.
  • The design-content gap is also closed with Webflow.
  • Designing landing pages is fast and easy.
  • It features automatic backups (versioning) and URL staging.
  • Webflow offers a range of highly-customizable templates which are perfect for beginners.
  • Newcomers can learn a lot via Webflow University.

Is Webflow Easy to Use?

Beginners can pick up the basic features offered at Webflow Designer and rely on Webflow University to get started. Therefore, it’s safe to say that Webflow is easy to use if you’re focusing on getting a simple website done in record time with no prior site-building experience. Take a couple of hours to focus on understanding Webflow, and you’re ready to use its powerful options for creating your first web experience.

And yet, it often feels like not doing Webflow justice if you’re only going to scratch the surface and stick to the basics. It’s a powerful tool worth exploring; mastering it takes time and effort. The good news is that there are plenty of helpful tutorials, both Webflow- and community-created, that you can use in your mission to master the popular builder and its robust capabilities.

Alternatively, if you want a professional website that makes the most out of Webflow, hiring Webflow experts might be a good idea. Feel free to get in touch with the Flow Ninja team to learn more.

Webflow University

Webflow University is one of the key sections for new users, as it covers in detail all essential features offered by the popular builder. In a way, anyone who wants to go through a detailed onboarding process should enroll Webflow University for free and check out the available lessons.

The team behind University has optimized its learning content to meet the needs of contemporary students. They are all on-point, short, and engaging, using concrete yet descriptive language combined with vibrant animations to showcase the feature at hand and teach you how to use it. Most videos are under five minutes and are further divided into smaller sections to help you understand Webflow faster and better.

Many newcomers managed to turn pro, thanks to the initial push that Webflow University provided. 

Benefits of Using Webflow for Beginners

Webflow’s complete list of benefits is quite lengthy, so we included some that should help you kickstart your web development journey from the beginning.

  • Drag and drop page builder functionality — With Webflow Designer, you can create visually appealing websites effortlessly using minimum to no HTML and CSS code.
  • Intuitive editor — Add and edit content directly on your web page with the Webflow Editor without getting your hands dirty with the backend.
  • Working directly with CMS data — You can easily create the required content structures manually (or via CSV or API) and format them visually.
  • Building eCommerce site — Webflow is equipped with a set of tools to help you build and run an online store.
  • Easy responsive page designs — Webflow is created with page responsiveness in mind, letting you quickly adjust your website for different screen sizes.
  • Working with reusable CSS classes — Use classes to save styling information that applies to as many elements as you want across your site.
  • Working with Flexbox — Flexbox allows designers to precisely align and stack all elements inside an element, making layout much easier.
  • Defining global color swatches — To update color swatches across your entire website, set them to "global" so you can edit them in one place and update them automatically across the site.

Feel free to explore the available options in Webflow and start building your first website in no time. Of course, if you require professional assistance and want to build a full-scale online marketing site, feel free to contact us.

Mihajlo Ivanovic

Mihajlo Ivanovic

Mihajlo is the one who replaces Lorem Ipsum texts with the actual copy - an SEO and content expert at Flow Ninja. He has 10+ years of experience as a content writer for various industries. He also plays bass occasionally.

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